Monday, September 20, 2010

Mother's Instinct

Lately, my little boy has been unusually tired, always telling me, " I just need a little rest, Mommy," or, "I'm just going to have a little sleep."  He's also been complaining of headaches; "It feels like a drum, Mommy."  He's not even 3.

Now, I am not one to up and run to the doctor every time my child sniffles or coughs or has a fever; I don't like having to pay to be told to keep doing what I'm already doing.  HOWEVER, in this case, I just didn't feel right about his symptoms.  What almost 3-year-old do you know that just wants to rest?  Or complains of having headaches?  Exactly.  So I took him to the doctor.  Diagnosis: allergies.  I didn't disagree with our doctor (we already know B has allergies), I informed him quite emphatically that I was not one to bring my kids to the doctor for every. little. thing.  THANKFULLY, (loving our pediatrician), he responded very appropriately:  "In circumstances like this, I like to think what I would want the doctor to do for my kid."  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!  So, he wrote out a prescription for a blood panel to rule out mono, hypothyroidism, and anemia.  He said if B isn't doing better in a week on the allergy meds, to take him in to get his blood tested.

Why am I telling you this story?  Because I believe that Mothers are blessed with the ability to "know" if something isn't right with their child.  We have a connection that is beyond the physical that keeps us in tune with the needs that they cannot always express.  And thank goodness for that!  I am grateful, also, for a pediatrician that realizes that he sees my kid every once and awhile, while I see them 24/7.

I will probably get the blood test done, just for peace of mind...for the "what ifs". I'm not hoping for positive results, but it won't hurt to rule them out, right?   In the meantime, I'll be having fun with my adorably-hilarious-yet-a-bit-overtired little boy, and his wonderful little sister.

Do you have any instances where your Mother's Instinct has helped you?


Deborah said...

Oh good luck! I hope B gets better soon, but I'd probably get the blood panel done too. Like you said, for peace of mind.

When S's head was flat, I knew it was more than just spending too much time on his back. He was young enough that that's what it could have been, and reasonably so. But I just knew it was more. So I insisted we be referred to a specialist. Turned out S had brachiocephaly, not just a flat head, but an unparallel axis. He had to wear a helmet and even though I wasn't happy about the helmet, I was glad that we were able to get it fixed while he was so young.

Maura said...

I love Mothers instincts. When I married my husband the first thing I did was get one of his twins into the doctors office. Her eye kept turning in and while I love my husband dearly and don't get me wrong he is a wonderful father but..."she'll grow out of it" is not a solution. Even if the doctor told me she would grow out of it, I would rather have it checked out for my peace of mind.

Turns out shes far sighted so she was trying to focus to much on thing close to her that her eye was turning in and therefore needed glasses.

Jeanette said...

Motherly instinct far outweighs most of what others will tell you. We are give that sixth sense for a reason, being co-creators and all.

Don't think we're always right on, though. We aren't infallible and should consider all opinions, thoughts and yes, hard to believe I know, we can actually be wrong! Yup, messed up royally with oldest daughter, child #2, and put her owie foot down to being a little overly dramatic and ignored the little voice in my head. Should I have listened to the voice? Yes, she had a broken foot. I know, bad, bad parental unit, but it happens.