Friday, September 10, 2010

Binky Bowl

My son is a binky lover. Binky, pacifier, soother, boo-boo, pacy...whatever you want to call it, he'll put it in his mouth. I never liked the idea of it, but I came to terms with it and finally appreciated it for it's value.

1. It puts my son to sleep.
2. It keeps him quiet during church.

The problem with value #1 is that if Seth wakes up and realizes the binky is gone, he's upset.

After months of waking up, stumbling down the hall, bumbling in the dark and searching for a binky in the blanket, under the stuffed giraffe, under the crib, caught in the baby's collar...I finally had a genius idea. Why not keep spares in a bowl on the dresser?!

Every night I make sure I have at least one spare though I usually keep two or three. Every morning I scoop up scattered binkies and plop them in the bowl. I wash them once a week and replace them.

Now if I have to get up in the middle of the night, I walk straight to the dresser, get a binky and sooth my baby, all with my eyes closed.


Kimi said...

Brinkley was a binky baby, toddler, preschooler.... hallelujah, we have recently DITCHED THE BINKY!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!! I lost it, for real, and told him so. I said, "You need to sleep like a big boy." And he did, and does. Hooray!

Caelen hated the binky. Didn't even know how to use it as an infant; she chewed on it. HA! Thankfully, she soothes herself very nicely.

You're idea? A+ I hated searching for Brinkley's binky, especially the times we'd go on long trips and he'd throw them wherever he pleased in the car. Awesome.

Nicole said...

Joshua was like Kimi's Caelen. He never took a binky, and I was glad for that. And like Kimi, I have to agree that your idea is a genius one. I'll have to keep that in mind just in case our next one decides he's a binky baby.