Monday, September 13, 2010

Bib Laundering

When you are washing baby bibs with Velcro fasteners in the back, be sure to stick the Velcro together before you do the wash. I have lost numberless socks, panty hose, and tights to the clutches of unattached bib Velcro in the laundry. It is a very simple solution and will save you the headache of trying to gently peel the Velcro off your socks when you pull them out of the dryer.

As an added plus, the bibs will be already stuck together and ready to be stacked into neat piles and put away.


Deborah said...

I have the same problem. Seriously. My sister-in-law bought a fastener thing so that you can remove the velcro and add a button instead (one of those metal fasteners). It is a really good idea, just time consuming. I'm more likely to just make sure the velcro is stuck together.

Also, to avoid ruining my clothes, I was all of Seth's bibs, blankets and burp cloths together. That way if I accidentally miss closing the velcro, it won't ruin anything.

Mindi said...

I can't tell ypu how many things I have ruined because of this problem!

Kimi said...

Amen, sister!