This is one area where I am paranoid. Granted, I would rather be paranoid than nonchalant!
Please take 5 minutes today to check the following:
-shoulder straps are just below the shoulder (they come up and over)
-the car seat straps are snug enough that only one of your fingers can fit between car seat and baby
-put the handle down on an infant carrier when driving-in an accident this can injure or kill a baby
-only use until recommended weight limit. Baby's legs should not be smooshed into the seat when rear facing. And a baby should not be in a booster seat.
-how old is your car seat? They expire after 5 years. It may not seem like a big deal to use the one that your other kids used, but they may not be up to date with current safety standards.
-if your car seat requires a base (like Evenflo brand does) DO NOT drive without one.
-don't buckle your kids into their seats with a coat or bunting on. They can slide right out of their seat in an accident.
-PLEASE make sure the car seat is buckled into the car so tight that it can only move an inch at the very most. I get in the car seat and kneel on it with all of my weight to tighten it in there with the LATCH system. It's also a good idea to find someone that is car seat certified (call your local fire department or police station to find someone) to put the car seat in for you the first time. They can demonstrate the best way to do it and you will know how from then on.
-don't buy a secondhand car seat if you can avoid it. If you do buy one, make sure you have a clear idea of the car seats history (recalls, accidents, manufacturers date, etc.)
I cringe when I see car seats flopping around or kids not buckled. These safety checks take only a few moments and could save your child's life!
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now! :)
It's not a soapbox! I remember the night before I flew down to get S Tyler and I put the car seat in the car so he wouldn't have to do it alone. We had no idea what we were doing. After S was born, the hospital helped us to make sure we'd done it right and gave us a lot of tips. This is a really good thing for all parents to know.
I share the soapbox with you! My husband and I are VERY particular when it comes to our car seats, (and probably a bit anal about it, to be honest...) I know some parents aren't as picky about it because they say their kids don't like their car seat and cry the whole time. Yeah, that's annoying, but I'd rather have a crying child than a dead one.
I think this is really good for people to know. California came out with a little brochure/guide to help more parents learn about this. I know that there were some things I wasn't sure about so I looked into it and was sure glad that I did.
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