All of these are great and we work hard to help our children learn these things. The other day one of my daughters learned to do something that I never considered a milestone, but the minute she said "mommy look what I can do" and TIED HER SHOE!...I swear the heavens opened and angels sang!
I don't know why this was such a huge thing for me, but it was. I was soo incredibly happy that she could finally tie her own shoe and not only that helps her sisters with it. I could just skip for joy in the mornings now when I say tell them to get their shoes on and (insert angelic music here) I don't have to tie six shoes!!!!
What are some things your children accomplished that were wonderful that you didn't think would be a huge deal but turned out to be wonderful for you?
That is so great! How exciting!! Now that one got it, I'm sure the other two are close behind.
S isn't even a year old, so he has had a lot of milestones. Every single one of them has made me feel like I'm the one who learned to roll over, sit, crawl, hold my own bottle, pick up food with my figers, clap, wave, etc. I'm just waiting for him to walk.
Using a straw. Seriously, I loved it when both my kids got that one down. It makes going out and forgetting their sippy cup not so stressful...
Also, giving REAL hugs and kisses. Why don't doctors ask if your kid does that? 'Cause it's the best thing in the world they can do, especially when they add "I love you, Mommy" to it. *sigh*
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