Thursday, October 21, 2010

Taking Naps

I know the word "nap" is a trigger for all kinds of emotions. I think we could spend the rest of our lives talking about nap taking, but I won't bore you to death.

I read an article in a magazine when S was a few months old and it was really interesting.

There are three kinds of nappers:

1. Kids who need a nap at the same time every day, no matter what.
2. Kids who will fall asleep whenever wherever, as long as they're tired.
3. Kids who need a nap every two hours, no questions asked.

As far as I know, there is nothing that specifically determines what kind of napper a child is. They're just born that way.

It sounds so silly; you look at the list and say, "yeah, I know a kid who fits into every category." So why even list them?

When I read the article, it was so helpful to see that first of all, it wasn't strange that my kid's nap wasn't scheduled every day. It just so happens that he is number three, and after two hours, almost on the dot, he is yawning and reaching for his crib. I'm not kidding. His nap time is dependent on what time he wakes up in the morning, not what time I think he ought to take a nap. So it was reassuring to know he wasn't abnormal, just different than his cousins.

It also helped me to know his patterns a little better and I felt more informed and more better able to parent. If I tried to put him down at the same time every day, it wouldn't work! (I tried.) So knowing that he isn't a schedule baby, he's an hourly baby, helped me plan and make sure he got the sleep he needed when he needed it.

One last note. Even though S doesn't have a schedule, he has a routine. And that is really important, especially at night time. He knows that when we do certain things, it's time for bed and for sleeping. Occasionally we have to break the routine if we're on vacation or at a friend's house, but mostly it's helped keep order in our house. 


Kimi said...

Both my kids are scheduled nappers. I look forward to that time every day, when BOTH of them are sleeping. My kids are also both very schedule AND routine oriented; even when on vacation or elsewhere, I have to stick to their schedule. It took me quite a long time to sleep-train both my kiddos, but I don't fight with them over naps OR bed time.

Thanks for pointing out the differences; I don't think I've ever stopped to think about the types of nappers there are. Now if a future child deviates from being on a schedule, I won't be blind-sided :)

Nicole said...

Mine is definitely NOT a scheduled napper. He sleeps when/if he needs to. I'm kind of expecting this new one to be like that, but it would be nice if he would be a scheduled napper.

Kadie said...

Kaleb is a scheduled napper or else I honestly think he wouldn't take one at all. He just goes and goes unless I put him in his crib. Then he realizes, "Oh, I'm tired and should sleep." :)