Okay ladies, I'm in some serious need of advice... my son has started a horrible habit (well several actually, but I'm not going to talk about stripping in this post):
He thinks it's funny to run away from me in the store and hide.
His mom DOES NOT think it's funny.
Now I know what you might be thinking: just keep him in the cart. And I do, when I'm somewhere that has a cart. But what do you do when it's a store that has no cart like the mall (and my son will not stay in a stroller) or when you go into the dressing room and he climbs out under the door when you're standing there in your underwear?
That happened to me in DI this week. I'd already pulled his little hiney back into the dressing room four times as he tried to escape but he was too quick the fifth time. I hurried and finished getting dressed and then opened the door to see where Kaleb had gone. I couldn't see him ANYWHERE. I called out his name and he didn't come. Panic immediately set in as I'm looking around calling out his name, just visioning that someone has kidnapped my child. After what felt like an eternity, I found him. I turned around and he was just standing there, looking at me like, "What's the big deal, Mom?" I chewed him out for running away and he just kept saying, "Funny." (his favorite word right now. In fact he's saying it right now) And I just kept saying, "Not funny. That was NOT funny."
HELP! What do I do? He's done it multiple times now and he always laughs and says, "funny." I've spanked him and chewed him out, but what else can I do besides putting him on a leash or never going shopping again?
My 3 year old runs into traffic...help me with that! I'm a mom that is FOR leashes. I'm not kidding. You can stick him in that 'monkey backpack', but I'm all for chaining that kid to you. Some think it's cruel, I think it's a parents RIGHT to keep their child safe. As far as the cart, when there is one, STRAP that kid in there! When there is not, that child needs to sit in time out IN THE STORE, and you need to take that child home, tell him to pick his favorite toy, and throw it in the garbage INFRONT of him. I have done this. K might be too small to realize what you are doing, but I'm all for the leash. Seriously. Do it.
I'm pro-leash, too. I use the monkey backpack on B when it's just me with both kids. He thinks it's cool to have a monkey on his back, and I don't have to worry about him running away. Maybe if K doesn't like that, he'll learn to obey?
Or.... maybe have something "special" he only gets to do when you're in a changing room ('cause I don't know how much a leash would help in there...). That way, he thinks it's a fun place to be, and not a fun place to run away from.
Good luck!
I'm not pro-leash, but since I've never had a child old enough to need/use one, my opinion probably doesn't matter much.
I do like the idea of giving him something extra fun he only gets to play with in dressing rooms. And as far as the store and him refusing to be in carts, maybe he can have a sticker every time he obeys or something. I don't know. Some kind of continual positive reinforcement. A harsh punishment is also a good idea, but Mindi is right. K might be too young at this point. Give him a few weeks;)
Or maybe you can bring along his magnadoodle and let him color while he's in the cart. My friend Melanie has a mini one that's about the size of a CD. I can ask her where she got it if you want.
In the end I'm hoping you get lots of good advice so that you don't have to listen to a word I say.
I'm definitely pro-leash. I got one for my little girl and it has greatly reduced our shopping trip stress. I let her pick out one that she wanted (she went with the monkey) and she loves wearing it. Who cares what other people think? They aren't the one trying to keep a toddler safe!
I was Totally anti-"leash" until Bubba did that to me. I was in the mall, he crawled under the door, I did what you did and when I found him I Picked him up and went to target, took him straight over to the kids section, Grabbed one, bought it and put it on him. He HATED It!!! He cried the whole time we finished shopping, but he never ran away from me again! I take it and use it more as a time out/punishment if they don't stay close.
I too, am pro-leash. There comes a time when safety trumps what other people think. I think a good distraction is also a good idea in dressing rooms. But for walking around in the store with no carts- go with the leash or a strict hand holding rule. The other thing I've seen is a "you don't have to be in the stroller but you do have to touch the stroller". And then if he doesn't keep at least one hand on the stroller, he has to go IN the stroller. Hope that helps!
I was anti-leash, until my second was born. That kid IS a monkey, so the leash saved the day. I totally agree with Dena and Jenn.
And if you're a "bad" mom like me, you can resort to bribes. I bring M&Ms on our long shopping trips. Works like a charm :)
I have to say I'm pro leash too, but find that if I work things "right" I don't have to use it. I use several tactics like Jenn described...hand holding, touching the cart, etc. And sometimes it helps to bring along some not pregnant person (who can actually chase after my monkey) with me when I shop. It's great company for me and a wonderful diversion and added protection for my kiddo.
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