Friday, October 22, 2010

Constipation Anyone?

If your kids are anything like mine, then their internal plumbing systems will stop working quite as well once they start solids.  I don't know what it is, but my babies just plug right up once solids are introduced.  It doesn't matter how much they drink, or how diluted their cereal is, they seem to have a really tough time with filling their diapers up.  I have learned a few different things to try when your little one is spending a lot of time grunting without much to show for it.

1.  Prunes and Prune Juice:  Doctors will usually recommend this first.  They claim that it softens things up and gets them flowing again.  I have never had much luck with them myself, but old people eat/drink them for the same reason, so there must be some truth to it.

2.  Blueberries:  I haven't had to use blueberries specifically for this purpose, but my kids love them.  I have been told that they work like a charm when it comes to cleaning out those little baby pipes.

3.  Yogurt:  I tried almost everything you can imagine with my first child and she continued to remain clogged up almost constantly until she was introduced to yogurt.  Once she was old enough, I started to feed her yogurt every single day and she has not had a bowel problem since.

4.  CARROTS:  Yes, those beloved little orange bits of deliciousness that most children will gobble up quite willingly are filled with fiber.  Especially if your baby is not old enough to eat yogurt yet, then carrots are a good option.  If my little one has gone for several days without stinking up the house, then I will feed her a big helping of carrots.  Without fail, she will have a major blowout by the next morning.  Sometimes they work a little too well and the mess is uncontainable.  But that is information for another post ;)

5.  Suppository:  If nothing else works, you may be in need of a suppository.  However, I would suggest trying the other options first.  Suppositories are very effective, usually working within 15 minutes or so, but they are uncomfortable for your child and are not a long term fix. 


Nicole said...

Some of my siblings had this problem when they were little and several of my nieces/nephews also suffered from it.

One thing my mom learned was that anything orange will help with constipation. Carrots, squash, yams, etc.

Good luck with that!

Kimi said...

We've been dealing with constipation with B since February, but it's not just from his diet...

Anyway, Miralax is also safe to use, every day if needed.

I second the blueberry suggestion; we would mix blueberry puree with applesauce for our kiddos when they were babies, and it worked like a charm. Turned their poo blue, too, which is fun :)

Kadie said...

This kind of stuff is SO good to know. My nephews have had problems with this and my sister has told me about suppositories. SO not fun for you OR your child!

Deborah said...

I had no idea about carrots and blueberries...but I was well aware of the prunes, having grown a healthy aversion to them by the time I was four. Let's just say that I ate or drank them at least once a day as a child.