I recieved this plea for help quite a while ago, but I did not get it until recently. My deepest apologies Annie!
Here is her dilemma:
I have a 2 year old who loves taking baths...up until we wash her hair! We have tried every trick in the book to make this easier: having her lay back with her head tilited back, having a cloth over her eyes, she refuses to close her eyes! It is a battle to the death (almost) each time She SCREAMS super loud, yelling things like "STOP! IT HURTS!" I'm expecting the neighbors to call CPS any second. We try and sooth her, tell her it's just water! We wipe her eyes constantly, we use tear free shampoo...give her rewards...
As her mom and the main bather to her I'm pretty much at wits end with the SCREECHING and death cries! Do any of you moms have some advice on how to make hair washing less painful for both of us?!
Have you tried letting her take a shower for that part? I know it's much less involved to wash a boy's hair, but our son did the same thing (still does) if we try that in a bath. But in a shower somehow it's "better".
Good luck!
One day let her wash your hair (just by leaning over in the bathtub or getting in with a swimsuit or something)and/or washing a baby dolls hair. She will see you like it and she has control, then suggest she pour the water and lather up on her own head. She might feel safer/more comfortable if she does it and it becomes a proud moment for her.
Hope you find something that works for you.
You could try finding out why she doesn't like it (if you don't already know ;). For instance, if it's because she hates the water in her eyes, put goggles on her? And talk it up so she's excited to wear them.
Or if she doesn't like the water on her face because she feels like she can't breathe, try getting her to "look up at the sky" while she's sitting up and then just pour the water carefully over the back of her head to wash it off. My son gets scared laying back in the tub, but he'll do that for me. You could even tape something on your ceiling to encourage her to look up. Like a different picture every time?
Hope you find something that works for you!
So I've been wondering about this. Is she afraid of water in her eyes, or is it her ears? Maybe she's not sure what is scaring her, so try earplugs or having her cover her ears and see if that helps her at all.
Or, you could wash her hair in the sink. Inconvenient, for sure, but at least you would have a clean child. :)
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