This is my cry for help!
Our 4 year old daughter has never slept through the night. Sure, there's been small periods of time (mostly when she was tiny) that she would sleep great. But the last, oh, year, has been a nightmare. She will fight us to go to bed. Screaming, crying, yelling, etc. She usually falls asleep, but only after making a hundred demands. ("I want COLDER water! With ICE in it!") We try not to give in to these demands...but we have an almost 2 year old who is already asleep at this point. Daughter #2 is the most incredible little sleeper. She has slept through the night since she was brand new...
Anyway, big sister finally falls asleep and just a few short hours later, she is in our room crying and making demands again. She was up from 12-1 last night. My husband works at 5 in the morning, so fun for him. Does anyone have any advice? We have tried literally everything we can think of. She has a sleeping bag on our floor because I won't let her sleep in our bed anymore. I can only imagine what it will be like when she starts preschool with no sleep at night...:(
Thank you!
Sleepless in Nevada
Here are a few sights I found that have why kids have troubles sleeping and some tips. I'm sure you have already tried them and I wish I had some better advice. I hope you find something that helps you out!
Oh, Hanna! I'm so sorry! I would love to give you much helpful advice, but I'm seriously lacking. I really hope that you'll be able to get some tips on how to help B sleep better.
I'm like Deborah. I'm at a loss. I have a little boy who fights falling asleep, but once he does, he's down for the count.
Have you asked your pediatrician? It could be something like growing pains that she's experiencing. Or it could be something fairly simple. I'd say that if you've exhausted your arsenal of solutions, it's time to bring in the big guns. Maybe the pediatrician can give you good ideas to try. I'd love to hear what he/she might have to say on that, just in case my #2 has those issues. Keep us posted!
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