Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You know you're a mom when...

... you turn at every "Mom" that you hear.
... snot and poop doesn't gross you out anymore.
... you don't hesitate to kill a poisonous spider with your bare hand in order to save your child.
.... your child's silence tips you off right away that they're doing something bad.
... you're better at talking to three-year-olds than thirty-year-olds.
... you can't remember what day it is, but you know, down to the minute, when your baby last ate.
... your purse/bag contains more items for your child than for you.
... your child's bodily functions becomes a normal conversation topic.
... you're starving at 3 p.m. and realize you've haven't eaten all day because you were too busy feeding everyone else.
... you know your way around the kids' section at every store better than you do the women's section.
... you start saying things like "bless your heart."
... you cry at animated movies, like Tarzan when his parents and the baby gorilla die.
... you get four hours of sleep and think that's a good thing.
... you start speaking in bad grammar because your child does.
... you look at other kids screaming in the store and think, "Oh man, I've been there."

What are some of your "You know you're a mom when" thoughts?


Deborah said...

Amen, and amen. Those were PERFECT.

You know you're a mom when...

...your answer to, "How was your day?" is entirely dependent on how happy your child is.
...you don't mind going to the store with peanut butter on your shirt.
...you don't dry heave when your kid has diarrhea.
...your library holds are 90% Little Einsteins or picture books.
...dancing around the kitchen with your child is a legitimate source of exercise.

jennschmerer said...

...you have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet: maternity, post baby, and ain't-never-gonna-fit-in-those-clothes-again-but-we-can-hope
...your response to your child's cries are "Are you bleeding? Then you're fine." (I think this one is for mothers of multiple boys, ha ha!
...you can sing the theme song to any children's show on command and discuss the various characters at length.

...you can watch t.v,, talk on the phone, fold a load of laundry and discipline a child all at the same time.

Maura said...

...when you recognize the schools phone number on your caller ID
...you can remember that your child put their favorite toy in the third drawer on the left in their sisters room, but you can't remember where you put your keys.
...you remember what the doctor said at the check up appt from a year ago.
...Your automatic response to "mommy, what are you doing?" is "going crazy"
...You understand what your child is talking about when they say "remember that one time we went to that place and I liked the juice there"
...when you can be having the worst day ever and it can instantly turn around because your child says that your the best mom ever and thy love you lotsest.

SonyaB said...

...going to the dentist is like going to the spa because your just glad someone else is brushing your teeth for once!
...you can wear the same thing 2 or maybe 3 days in a row and not notice, but your kids have been bathed and dressed every day
...you only eat ice cream after 830 because thats after the kids are asleep and you've "earned it"
...you know that PBS doesn't start playing cartoons till 6am, and you know what the name of the cartoon is.
...10pm is late because you know your kids will be up at 6am!

Dena said...

Ha! I totally cry in animated movies. I can't think of any that I HAVEN'T cried in lately.

...you can push a stroller, hold your toddler's hand, and skip down the street yelling "boing!" on every hop and not care a bit when everyone stares.
...your calendar is full of appointments and activities - for your child.
...you can answer all "Winnie the Pooh" trivia game questions correctly without batting an eyelash.