Monday, November 15, 2010

Sick with the Flu

Being sick is never fun. Having sick kids is almost worse because not only does it tug at your heart strings, but if they're young, there's not much you can give them (medicine wise) to comfort them and help with their symptoms.

This last weekend, we had a little boy who was sick with the flu. He threw up BIG time three times during the day. Each one was on me. He'd come up and want to be held and then just toss his cookies all over the place. That night he kept throwing up every few hours, but it would mostly be Sprite and crackers that we had given him. I just felt so helpless, but I knew it was only the flu and that it wasn't really terribly bad. It just seemed worse because he was barfing on me.

What are some things that you moms out there do for your kids when they're not feeling their best?


Deborah said...

Oh, that is rotten luck!

When S feels under the weather, I am (ideally) a little more patient with him because he's prone to turn into a ball of fire in 0 seconds flat - think Jack Jack in the Incredibles. So if I give him a little more leeway when he's emotional and throws fits, I think that helps because then he doesn't feel like, "I'm sick AND I'm getting trouble?!"

Also I let him do a lot of cuddling. Of course, that's awesome for you since you are the one getting puked on.

He also gets things he wouldn't normally get, like when things are really bad, he gets to keep his binky even when it's not naptime. Or I'll give him a sippy of water and let him drink it while watching a show or something.

Those may not be great things, but basically I bend the rules a little when he's sick. It's not like I feed him chocolate pudding for breakfast or anything.

And one last thing...I think you need to start wearing either an apron or a hazmat suit. :)

Nicole said...

Haha! Deborah, you have no idea how close I came to looking for a hazmat suit online. :) That thought definitely did cross my mind!